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A kid in a Wisconsin cornfield decides that wants to be an astronaut and walk on Mars. Over the next 20 years, he proceeds along his astronaut track with more than a dozen slips, trips, and falls. But he never gives up. Instead, he faces a moral dilemma that no one could’ve predicted. How he handles it is a story for the ages.
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This book is the story of Jerry (Disco) Werner’s single-minded journey pursuing his goal of becoming an astronaut and walking on Mars. There are three specific aspects of this book which are compelling. The first was Disco’s incredible and unwavering focus on his ultimate goal of being selected as an astronaut with a further selection to a Mars mission, in spite of obstacle after obstacle. The second was his perceptive description of the diverse settings he travelled through on his journey, specifically his youth in a small conservative town in the upper Midwest in the ’50s, his experiences in a civilian university versus a military academy, the emotions and physical sensations of flying high-performance aircraft; and his observations of the culture of the U.S. Navy prevalent in the late 20th century. And thirdly, his ability to overcome obstacle after obstacle until only one thing stood in his obstacle which I’ll let him describe in the book. The bottom line...this is a heck of a yarn told by an amazing Naval Aviator and Naval officer with a twist that is well worth thinking about. I was privileged and am proud to have accompanied Disco on portions of his journey, a journey of determination, service, excitement and honor. Hope you (and his grandchildren) enjoy his tale.
- Daniel K Arnold
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Grandpa’s Adventures in the US Navy – Soul-Searching on the Way to Mars by Gerald C. Werner. One thing this book made me realize is that many of us don’t dream big enough. Through Jerry’s writing, I learned that big dreams can lead to big men, and by that, I mean the “Right Stuff” kind of men. I loved this book. I wish I read it when I was a young adult because it’s filled with wisdom and great lessons of morality, god, and courage. Gerry had a vision and locked on to it. It is so very inspiring. This book is a gift, a gift for humanity, on how to achieve, and what it takes to become the “Right Stuff”. The ending is an unexpected surprise that will not only leave you speechless but will also give you faith in your fellow man.
-Jennifer B.
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Critics and readers alike will appreciate this book for its insightful reflections on dreams, courage, sacrifice, and personal growth, making it not only a recounting of naval adventures but also a story of human resilience and the appreciation for life lessons. A true gift to Jerry’s grandkids and anyone who would read this book!
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Jerry Werner’s memoir, stories written to his grandchildren, is a fascinating and inspiring account of a man’s dogged pursuit of his dream of becoming a pilot and eventually an astronaut. His tale begins when, as a young boy growing up in rural Wisconsin, Jerry dreams of someday becoming an astronaut and walking on Mars. Once he has set his sights on that goal, all of his life decisions are focused on achieving that dream. This a gripping story of persistence, commitment, and courage. Throughout the book, Jerry describes in vivid detail how, over the years and step by step, he encountered and dealt with the obstacles and occasional failures that threatened to derail him. As we follow Jerry on this journey, we learn much about life in the US Naval Academy, about the career of a young naval officer, about the rigorous training pilots must go through. Along the way, we also learn about various ships and aircraft and the challenges our sailors and pilots face daily. But most interesting of all is getting to know Jerry, a bright, curious, obsessively driven, and courageous individual. Jerry is quite transparent as he relates the details of his life. He could very easily have turned this memoir into the tale of a young hero who easily overcomes obstacles and challenges as he achieves his dreams. However, Jerry is quite open and honest as he describes his failures as well as his successes. There is plenty of excitement here, beginning with a dramatic near-failure as Jerry and his aircraft are catapulted into a Caribbean night from the deck of the USS Independence. And that’s not the only close call he survives. Reading this memoir one gains a genuine appreciation for all of our military pilots, and especially for the one who is telling this story. Jerry Werner is definitely someone worth getting to know and admire through his account. I’m looking forward to Volume 2!!
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A kid in a Wisconsin cornfield decides that wants to be an astronaut and walk on Mars. Over the next 20 years, he proceeds along his astronaut track with more than a dozen slips, trips, and falls. But he never gives up. Instead, he faces a moral dilemma that no one could’ve predicted. How he handles it is a story for the ages.
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This book is the story of Jerry (Disco) Werner’s single-minded journey pursuing his goal of becoming an astronaut and walking on Mars. There are three specific aspects of this book which are compelling. The first was Disco’s incredible and unwavering focus on his ultimate goal of being selected as an astronaut with a further selection to a Mars mission, in spite of obstacle after obstacle. The second was his perceptive description of the diverse settings he travelled through on his journey, specifically his youth in a small conservative town in the upper Midwest in the ’50s, his experiences in a civilian university versus a military academy, the emotions and physical sensations of flying high-performance aircraft; and his observations of the culture of the U.S. Navy prevalent in the late 20th century. And thirdly, his ability to overcome obstacle after obstacle until only one thing stood in his obstacle which I’ll let him describe in the book. The bottom line...this is a heck of a yarn told by an amazing Naval Aviator and Naval officer with a twist that is well worth thinking about. I was privileged and am proud to have accompanied Disco on portions of his journey, a journey of determination, service, excitement and honor. Hope you (and his grandchildren) enjoy his tale.
- Daniel K Arnold
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Grandpa’s Adventures in the US Navy – Soul-Searching on the Way to Mars by Gerald C. Werner. One thing this book made me realize is that many of us don’t dream big enough. Through Jerry’s writing, I learned that big dreams can lead to big men, and by that, I mean the “Right Stuff” kind of men. I loved this book. I wish I read it when I was a young adult because it’s filled with wisdom and great lessons of morality, god, and courage. Gerry had a vision and locked on to it. It is so very inspiring. This book is a gift, a gift for humanity, on how to achieve, and what it takes to become the “Right Stuff”. The ending is an unexpected surprise that will not only leave you speechless but will also give you faith in your fellow man.
-Jennifer B.
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Critics and readers alike will appreciate this book for its insightful reflections on dreams, courage, sacrifice, and personal growth, making it not only a recounting of naval adventures but also a story of human resilience and the appreciation for life lessons. A true gift to Jerry’s grandkids and anyone who would read this book!
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Jerry Werner’s memoir, stories written to his grandchildren, is a fascinating and inspiring account of a man’s dogged pursuit of his dream of becoming a pilot and eventually an astronaut. His tale begins when, as a young boy growing up in rural Wisconsin, Jerry dreams of someday becoming an astronaut and walking on Mars. Once he has set his sights on that goal, all of his life decisions are focused on achieving that dream. This a gripping story of persistence, commitment, and courage. Throughout the book, Jerry describes in vivid detail how, over the years and step by step, he encountered and dealt with the obstacles and occasional failures that threatened to derail him. As we follow Jerry on this journey, we learn much about life in the US Naval Academy, about the career of a young naval officer, about the rigorous training pilots must go through. Along the way, we also learn about various ships and aircraft and the challenges our sailors and pilots face daily. But most interesting of all is getting to know Jerry, a bright, curious, obsessively driven, and courageous individual. Jerry is quite transparent as he relates the details of his life. He could very easily have turned this memoir into the tale of a young hero who easily overcomes obstacles and challenges as he achieves his dreams. However, Jerry is quite open and honest as he describes his failures as well as his successes. There is plenty of excitement here, beginning with a dramatic near-failure as Jerry and his aircraft are catapulted into a Caribbean night from the deck of the USS Independence. And that’s not the only close call he survives. Reading this memoir one gains a genuine appreciation for all of our military pilots, and especially for the one who is telling this story. Jerry Werner is definitely someone worth getting to know and admire through his account. I’m looking forward to Volume 2!!