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About the Book

Grandpa’s Adventures in The US Navy: Soul Searching On the Way to Mars (Volume I)

This book results from a grandfather’s love for sharing his real-life stories with his kids and, later, his grandkids. Now, holding the author’s whole Navy career and his adventures throughout his service, this book is inspiring readers across the globe.

The grandpa’s adventures in this book range from fun and excitement to horrifying tales, keeping the reader intrigued. By not shying from mature topics like killing and death, this book delves into realism through wartime stories. This way, it carries a theme of confronting reality while enjoying every bit of it, among other necessary life lessons.

This book is the first installment in a series of author Jerry Werner’s legacy. This means that Grandpa Jerry’s adventure will not end with Volume I; they will continue with the same exciting and vivid details.

So, grab a copy of Grandpa’s Adventures in The US Navy: Soul Searching On the Way to Mars (Volume I) to get to know Jerry Werner. The adventurous ex-naval aviator and NASA’s astronaut aspirant has many more stories to tell. His adventures are beginning, and you wouldn’t want to miss the journey.